Yesterday, I got a random email from a filmmaker who saw one of my blog posts. It was very disheartening. He mentioned how he’s been pitching his projects for over 5 years with no results. He stated that he had some attachments but never got any serious momentum. day. He basically lost everything. The tone of the email had a sense of dread that affected me all day. It really bummed me out and I’m still trying to wash it off.
Granted, I have no other details on his projects. Was the budget too crazy? Who did he pitch too and how many times? Was he producing it independently or to the studios? Was the packaging strong enough? No clue.
Filmmaking can take the life out of you. No joke. It’s a tough industry. You can lose everything if you are not careful. Your house, your family, your sanity, and your spark. I’ve been there myself many times. “That’s it! I’m done with this &^%$!” But your passion for your film has to override your doubts and frustrations. More importantly, you need tangible goals. Incremental milestones. Start small and let it snowball. Don’t try to do everything at once.
There has to be a healthier way to measure your goals when producing your film. 6 months is a good indicator. If there is no momentum after 6 months of pitching your film then you need to regroup.
Who else is going through the struggle? If I can be of any service don’t hesitate to reach out! Don’t let that dream fade!
James Russell · August 13, 2021 at 4:23 pm
After struggling unsuccessfully for two years to get our script past the ‘gatekeepers’ at CAA, a writer friend was kind enough to share with us the info that Sandra Bullock was looking for projects and the direct email address for Ms. Bullock’s agents’ assistant. The Assistant replied immediately and gave us permission to submit our CUSTODY DENIED! screenplay (an Erin Brockovich-style drama) to Ms. Bullock. Yesterday we received a short email that said, “Ms. Bullock is going to pass on CUSTODY DENIED! as she is quite busy with her own projects”. Back to the proverbial ‘drawing board’.
filmbusinessplan · August 13, 2021 at 4:26 pm
I would still consider that a win! Now you have a CAA contact! Most actors have their own production company and some accept inquiry letters. Nonetheless, that’s a huge milestone!
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