What’s your film producer personality type?

 As film producers, we need to be honest with ourselves. Ask yourself what I am great at and what comes naturally to me. How is your personality affecting your film funding goals? Do you need to partner with someone who can elevate your weaknesses?

Are you a social butterfly, a calculated planner, an introspective creative, or a closer?

There are numerous personality tests out there but one I came across a few years ago was the P.A.S.E test. It stands for Practical, Action, Social, and Emotional. Most people are a combination of the two.

Personally, I’m E.P.A.S. Emotional, Practical, Action, and Social. I can literally feel my emotional brain battle my logistical brain on a daily bases. It’s really annoying. On the Myers test, I’m a (INFJ). Here’s my assessment of myself.

  • Emotional doesn’t mean you’re some sobbing introvert. I’m a student of human nature. I read screenplays for insight and introspection. I’ve always had a deep connection with actors, art directors, cinematographers, screenwriters, painters, etc. I crave profound conversations. I focus on archetypes and themes. You have to move me first emotionally! Why do you want to make this film?
  • Practical – I’m a Line Producer so I deal with logistics, scheduling, budgets, planning, payroll, etc. When I’m on set, I get into the matrix. I try to forecast and troubleshoot before an issue arises. Organized chaos.
  • Action – I do feel myself daydreaming and overanalyzing things too much. You have to pull the trigger! Filmmaking requires you to take risks! Now I do have a gift for zoning out and closing.
  • Social – I admit I can be socially awkward at times if I’m outside my filmmaker circle. When I am with my filmmaker tribe I’m in my element. Cracking jokes, talking shop, etc. We all know film producers who can walk into any room and memorize a crowd. I know if I don’t pick up my social game I’m not going to move up to the next level.

Humans are more complicated than this test but at least it makes you be honest with your natural gifts and where you need to balance things out.

To be a successful film producer you need a great balance of all these elements or find a partner who can elevate your weakness. I always try to address all these key elements in the pitch decks and budgets I make!

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