What are you more afraid of? Pitching film investors or not having your film made? It’s a serious question… No one wants their screenplay to go into obscurity. So you have to make a choice. Do I raise the money myself or pitch it to an established film producer?
Regardless of what route you choose, there are a few mandatory things you will need to increase your chances.
1. Film Budget – How much do you need?
2. Business Plan/Pitch Deck – How are you going to pull it off? Who’s going to be in it? Who’s your team and what’s their experience?
3. Show don’t Tell – Mock poster, Proof of Concept Video, Mood Reel/Sizzle Reel, Short film, Concept Art, Storyboards, Music score, etc
4. Sales Agent – Who’s going to sell it?
5. Legal – Can you legally accept money for your film? Do you have contracts between your producers, screenwriter, and director?
This is why development funds are so important! It jump-starts your film project!
If you need the complete film pitch package which includes a film budget, business plan, pitch deck, mock poster, and consultation don’t hesitate to send me a direct message or email me at filmproducertx@gmail.com