As a producer you have to have multiple film projects going. You never know which one will catch momentum quickly. Two buddies of mine have been developing thier paranormal documentary entitled Deadly Dogmen. It’s created by Paranormal Investigator Eddie Hill and Director Miguel Cantu. The lore surrounding the Dogmen is fascinating and creepy! From Lycan secret societies, government experiments, to alien hybrids this is a folktale that has a lot of potential. I’m a bit of a skeptic myself and I’m more interested in the journey of producing the documentary than maybe finding evidence. After hearing interviews that Eddie has had and watching some YouTube clips I was hooked! The concept sounds larger than life.
I decided to partner up with them and become the producer. First thing we did was come up with a clear guideline on how the documentary will be told. Unlike feature films, a documentary doesn’t have a screenplay per say but more of a one to three page treatment, which layouts the key elements.
I started doing research and found literally hundreds of paranormal/supernatural groups on Facebook, Blogs, Podcast, and YouTube Channels. I even reached out to the largest paranormal radio show Coast to Coast to inquire about their advertisement. Regardless of the genre your film or documentary is, make sure it has an engaging audience. People are really into this!
We then hired our Entertainment Attorney to make our Joint Venture and Executive Summary. Setting up the LLC with the state of Texas was easy. He has the PPM and Operating Agreement on standby! So we can legally start pitching! Pitch deck, Business Plan, and Film Budget are done. I even took it a step further and contacted one of my sales agents for a Letter of Intent. They specialize in Redbox, Tubi, and On-Demand. Our goal is to break-even on the first window! The budget is at $150k. We keep it modest so we can move quickly and put it into the market. Our investor perks are pretty insane and cool!
I’ll be documenting my producing journey as we pitch investors, interviewing eye witnesses, and BTS videos and stills So keep an eye out!
Can a paranormal documentary make money? Oh yeah!
P.S. to inquire about ordering your own film business plan package send me an email at
1 Comment
Who's your ideal film investor? · August 22, 2021 at 8:10 pm
[…] Wanted to share some insight I had while researching who my ideal film investor is. This is part 2 of me producing my paranormal documentary Deadly Dogman! Here is part 1. […]
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