Should you pay for script coverage?

The short answer is YES!

There are two versions of script coverage. The traditional one is paying for a script consultant to analyze your script based on characters, arcs, dialogue, pacing, structure, and themes.

My version is from a producer’s perspective. How will your script do in the film market? Will it get distribution? Budget range? What caliber of actors would it attract? What films are comparable to your script?

I cover 5 main categories.

1. Funding structure – Is your script better suited for investors? pre-sales? pitching directly to studios/networks/streaming services? crowdfunding?

2. Distribution – Who are the ideal sales agents you need to start building a relationship with? How many markets can your film do well in? Theater, DVD, Foreign, VOD, SVOD/AVOD

3. Casting – What caliber of actors could your script attract? A, B, C list? Unknown cast?

4. Marketability – Does your script have a preexisting audience you haven’t thought of? Is it better suited for social media marketing or traditional marketing?

5. Monetary Funnels – What other sources of income could your film make money on? Comic books, Licensing, Merch, Product Placement, etc.?

I am now offering professional script coverage for $597.00. The package includes a 2-3 page report, a development funds budget, and an hour of consultation via phone, email, or zoom. Send an email to inquire!

If you need a professional film budget, pitch deck, producer script coverage, or distribution send me an email immediately at