Do you think Netflix is going to option your screenplay? Los Angeles is at a standstill—COVID, strikes, dwindling film incentives, and now the fires! Should screenwriters start thinking more like producers?

This article is from Stacey Parks, one of the original pioneers in distribution and financing. She’s been in the industry for decades, and I’ve been following her insights for over 20 years.

Here’s what she has to say about the current market and why screenwriters need to shift their mindset to think like producers: The independent film market is where it’s at!

Every filmmaker and screenwriter needs to have scripts that can be filmed in various budget ranges; $75k and under, $150k, $300k, $700k, and $2 million!

There are only two ways to finance a film: either you raise the money yourself, or you create a professional pitch deck and present it to established producers.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level and need a professional pitch deck, send me a direct message or email me at