Hey Crew!

I want to congratulate my personal friends and filmmaker clients Miguel Cantu & Eddie Hill on having their screenplay optioned by an established Executive Producer, on their horror comedy Reefer Creepers! Had a fun time creating their pitch deck, poster, and film budget! I also helped them negotiate the option agreement. We vented the Executive Producer and he had multiple produced films in our budget range and genre. So we knew we weren’t going to have the script just sit there. We needed an EP who can bring in some serious connections and energy. 

Here are a few key elements that we felt sealed the deal. 

1. Profitable Horror Genre 

2. Potential Multiple Monetary Funnels

3. Modest Film Budget based on our proposed cast

4. Production has years of experience in producing horror and high-end SFX

5. Presentation – Before we reached out we made sure our pitch deck was top-notch with a very cool movie poster and as a professional Line Producer I made a realistic film budget

Don’t let your scripts just sit there gathering dust! Make a move and order your business plan package!

Send me a direct message or email to inquire about ordering your film business plan package! The package includes a film business plan, film budget, and pitch deck. filmproducertx@gmail.com

Jesús Sifuentes
Film Producer