How much would it cost to film your screenplay? Whether you are trying to get your script optioned or producing your film you need an accurate film budget. Financiers and Producers want to know that your film has a realistic budget not some number you conjured up. When pitching your screenplay having a film budget increases your odds of getting the screenplay financed.
Hate doing film budgets? Hire a Line Producer! Get your film budget done right the first time! Don’t put yourself in a position where you run out of production funds! Each film regardless of the genre has multiple line items that can get out of hand. For some, it’s cast, for others SFX, locations, extras, wardrobe, etc. If you don’t control it you will run out of money. Imagine the shame and embarrassment you will feel if you have to go back to your funding source. They might cut their losses and say no. Never attempt to do a film budget yourself if you don’t have years of experience in film production. There are just so many variables and you don’t want your film investor to call you out on a line item that doesn’t look right.
As a professional Line Producer, I’ve worked on both SAG & Non-Union indie films with budgets ranging from $150,000.00, $250,000.00, $300,000.00, $700,000.00, and $2 million plus. To date I’ve managed over $6 million in production funds.
My film budgets cover Film Incentives, SAG H&P, Production Insurance, Contingency, Post Production, Distribution Deliverable cost, Legal fees, Marketing, etc.
For those filmmakers who want to work under the SAG Indie Agreement consider these budget tiers. Each one has its pros and cons.
SAG Indie Signatory Budgets
SAG Tier 1 – Ultra Low Budget
SAG Films between $75k to $300k
SAG Tier 2 – Modified Budget
SAG Films between $300k to $700k
SAG Tier 3 – Low Budget
SAG films between $700k to $2,000,000.00 (up to $3 million with a diverse cast)
SAG Theatrical Rates – Full Scale
SAG films over $2 million
The package includes a detailed film budget, shooting schedule, script breakdown, and day out of days report. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. If you have any additional questions don’t hesitate to email me at or if you are ready to order securely via Square click the link below! As soon as you payment, send me the screenplay file or PDF!
Line Producer
Jesus Sifuentes